Model Pack

Minimalist, timeless, and made to last a lifetime.

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We want to redefine how people buy, use and most importantly - value and recycle their goods. We do this by offering lifelong warranty and free repairs as well as buying back, reusing and recycling our goods.

I recently bought the Great Rucksack for my morning commute and it fits everything I need perfectly! It's now my go-to!

Jamie Betts

I've had my tote from Craftory for years now and it only looks better with age. Would definitely recommend.

Sarah Tucker

I bought the Model Pack as a gift for my partner and they won't stop talking about it! Best birthday gift ever, thank you!

Taylor Johnson

"Our goods are made of organically tanned leather from Tärnsjö Tannery in Sweden by professionals earning fair wages. They use bark extracts, water, and water-based finishings instead of toxic chemicals."

Anna-Mai, Owner, Craftory


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