Nice to meet you!
We make minimalist handcrafted accessories in a way that is fair to both people and the environment. We want to redefine how people buy, use and most importantly - value and recycle their goods. We do this by offering lifelong warranty and free repairs as well as buying back, reusing and recycling our goods.
75% of our goods are made of organically tanned leather from Tärnsjö Tannery, Sweden. They use bark extracts, water and water-based finishing instead of chemicals. Their practices and leather are certified as organic and free of harmful substances. A portion of their waste is used to produce biogas.
Leather for our pale collection is vegetable tanned by Tempesti - a tannery in Tuscany, Italy. Tempesti is known for founding the “Italian Vegetable Tanned Leather Consortium” that is committed to environmental protection within Italian leather industry.
Our goods are handmade in Tartu, Estonia by experienced professionals earning fair wages. We recycle all our packaging waste. Leather leftovers from our workshop move to our pop-up shops, where guests can use them to craft simple keychains or wristbands.
Even though all our goods are #madetoage and only get better with age, nothing good in life lasts forever. That said, all our goods come with a promise of lifelong warranty and free repairs.
Once you decide your item is done serving you and wish to dispose of it, simply return it back to us. We will take the most out of your returns by repairing and reselling some of them and recycling the rest by re-using the aged leather in our packaging and metal parts in new goods.